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Giant doubts about giant exomoons

The extrasolar planets Kepler-1625b and Kepler-1708b are supposedly the home worlds of the first known exomoons. A new study now comes to a different conclusion.

Dec 8th, 2023

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Ancient stars made extraordinarily heavy elements

How heavy can an element be? Scientists have found that ancient stars were capable of producing elements with atomic masses greater than 260, heavier than any element on the periodic table found naturally on Earth. The finding deepens our understanding of element formation in stars.

Dec 8th, 2023

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Stellar winds regulate growth of galaxies

Galactic winds, observed in galaxies over 7 billion years old, play a crucial role in regulating their growth and star formation rate by facilitating matter exchange with their surroundings.

Dec 7th, 2023

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Tracking undetectable space junk

Colliding pieces of space debris emit electric signals that could help track small debris littering Earth's orbit, potentially saving satellites and spacecraft.

Dec 5th, 2023

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Can signs of life be detected from Saturn's frigid moon?

Researchers have demonstrated that amino acids within Enceladus' ice plumes can endure impact speeds up to 4.2 km/s, bolstering their detection in spacecraft sampling and supporting Enceladus as a key target in the search for extraterrestrial life.

Dec 5th, 2023

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Solar activity likely to peak next year, new study suggests

Scientists have discovered a new relationship between the Sun's magnetic field and its sunspot cycle, that can help predict when the peak in solar activity will occur. Their work indicates that the maximum intensity of solar cycle 25, the ongoing sunspot cycle, is imminent and likely to occur within a year.

Nov 28th, 2023

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'Amaterasu' particle: a new cosmic mystery

Scientists have successfully detected an ultra-high-energy cosmic ray with an energy level comparable to the most energetic cosmic ray ever observed. The cosmic ray is set to be named after the Japanese sun goddess, Amaterasu.

Nov 23rd, 2023

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