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An ammonia trail to exoplanets

With the help of the James Webb Space Telescope, a team of researchers measured ammonia in the atmosphere of a cold brown dwarf, showing that the isotopic abundance of ammonia can be used to study how giant gas planets form.

Nov 7th, 2023

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Black Holes are messy eaters

New observations down to light-year scale of the gas flows around a supermassive black hole have successfully detected dense gas inflows and shown that only a small portion (about 3 percent) of the gas flowing towards the black hole is eaten by the black hole. The remainder is ejected and recycled back into the host galaxy.

Nov 3rd, 2023

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Giant planets cast a deadly pall

Giant gas planets can be agents of chaos, ensuring nothing lives on their Earth-like neighbors around other stars. New studies show, in some planetary systems, the giants tend to kick smaller planets out of orbit and wreak havoc on their climates.

Oct 31st, 2023

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Astronomers capture formation of a powerful cosmic jet

Using a network of radio telescopes on Earth and in space, astronomers have captured the most detailed view ever of a jet of plasma from a supermassive black hole. The jet travels at nearly the speed of light and shows complex, twisted patterns near its source.

Oct 26th, 2023

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Uranus aurora discovery offers clues to habitable icy worlds

The presence of an infrared aurora on the cold, outer planet of Uranus has been confirmed for the first time. The discovery could shed light on the mysteries behind the magnetic fields of the planets of our solar system, and even on whether distant worlds might support life.

Oct 26th, 2023

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