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Webb Telescope captures rarely seen prelude to supernova

The rare sight of a Wolf-Rayet star - among the most luminous, most massive, and most briefly detectable stars known - was one of the first observations made by the James Webb Space Telescope in June 2022. Webb shows the star, WR 124, in unprecedented detail with its powerful infrared instruments.

Mar 14th, 2023

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Spiral pattern gives clue to how high-mass stars form

New observations have revealed a spiral pattern in a disk of material around a still forming, but already high-mass, baby star. This indicates that there is gravitational instability in the disk, which has important implications for how high-mass stars form.

Feb 28th, 2023

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Astronomers discover metal-rich galaxy in early universe

While analyzing data from the first images of a well-known early galaxy taken by the James Webb Space Telescope, astronomers discovered a companion galaxy previously hidden behind the light of the foreground galaxy - one that surprisingly seems to have already hosted multiple generations of stars despite its young age, estimated at 1.4 billion years old.

Feb 27th, 2023

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Unknown class of water-rich asteroids identified

New astronomical measurements in the infrared range have led to the identification of a heretofore unknown class of asteroids. They are located in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter and are - similar to the dwarf planet Ceres - rich in water.

Feb 20th, 2023

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