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How to see the invisible: Using dark matter distribution to test our cosmological model

An international team of astrophysicists and cosmologists have submitted a set of five papers, measuring a value for the 'clumpiness' of the universe's dark matter, known to cosmologists as S8, of 0.76, which aligns with values that other gravitational lensing surveys have found in looking at the relatively recent universe - but it does not align with the value of 0.83 derived from the Cosmic Microwave Background.

Apr 4th, 2023

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'Taffy galaxies' collide, leave behind bridge of star-forming material

A head-on collision between the two galaxies UGC 12914 (left) and UGC 12915 (right) 25-30 million years ago appears to have resulted in a different kind of structure - a bridge of highly turbulent material spanning the two galaxies. Though this intergalactic bridge is teeming with star-forming material, its turbulent nature is suppressing star formation.

Mar 30th, 2023

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How cosmic winds transform galactic environments

Much like how wind plays a key role in life on Earth by sweeping seeds, pollen and more from one place to another, galactic winds - high-powered streams of charged particles and gases - can change the chemical make-up of the host galaxies they form in, simply by blowing in a specific direction.

Mar 30th, 2023

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Webb telescope measures the temperature of a rocky exoplanet

An international team of researchers has used the James Webb Space Telescope to measure the temperature of the rocky exoplanet TRAPPIST-1 b. The measurement is based on the planet's thermal emission: heat energy given off in the form of infrared light detected by Webb's Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI).

Mar 28th, 2023

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Neutron star that behaves like a black hole discovered

Researchers have found a neutron star that captures matter from a companion star in a violent and unstable process. This process, previously observed only in very bright black holes, opens the door to new insights into the behaviour of stars.

Mar 27th, 2023

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AI finds that first stars were clustered together

An international team has used artificial intelligence to analyze the chemical abundances of old stars and found indications that the very first stars in the Universe were born in groups rather than as isolated single stars.

Mar 23rd, 2023

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Galaxy changes classification as jet changes direction

A team of international astronomers have discovered a galaxy that has changed classification due to unique activity within its core. The galaxy, named PBC J2333.9-2343, was previously classified as a radio galaxy, but the new research has revealed otherwise.

Mar 21st, 2023

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Life on distant moons

Researchers from the fields of astrophysics, astrochemistry and biochemistry have now determined in a novel, interdisciplinary collaboration the necessary properties that allow moons around free-floating planets to retain liquid water for a sufficiently long time and thus enable life.

Mar 20th, 2023

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