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Robotic fingers with a gentle touch

Scientists have invented a new soft gripper that uses electroadhesion: flexible electrode flaps that act like a thumb-index duo. It can pick up fragile objects of arbitrary shape and stiffness, like an egg, a water balloon or paper.

Feb 1st, 2016

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Robot scientists discuss European research road maps

From 12 to 15 January, about 100 leaders from science and industry come to University of Twente's campus to discuss public-private partnerships in robotics. At the end of the week, there will be the kick-off of an innovative project, led by UT, about robots that will improve biopsy for cancer diagnostics.

Jan 11th, 2016

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Robots learn by watching how-to videos

Researchers are teaching robots to watch instructional videos and derive a series of step-by-step instructions to perform a task. You won't even have to turn on the DVD player; the robot can look up what it needs on YouTube.

Dec 18th, 2015

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Roboticists learn to teach robots from babies

A collaboration between University of Washington developmental psychologists and computer scientists has demonstrated that robots can 'learn' much like kids - by amassing data through exploration, watching a human perform a task and determining how best to carry out that task on its own.

Dec 1st, 2015

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Research into pub communication with robot James

A robotic bartender has to do something unusual for a machine: It has to learn to ignore some data and focus on social signals. Researchers investigated how a robotic bartender can understand human communication and serve drinks socially appropriately.

Nov 25th, 2015

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A row-bot that loves dirty water

Taking inspiration from water beetles and other swimming insects, researchers have developed the Row-bot, a robot that thrives in dirty water. The Row-bot mimics the way that the water boatman moves and the way that it feeds on rich organic matter in the dirty water it swims in.

Nov 23rd, 2015

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Reading the signs

Technology for fast and efficient detection of hand poses could lead to enhanced human-computer interactions.

Nov 4th, 2015

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Robots learn to walk (w/video)

Researchers have developed a robot whose gait comes closer than ever before to that of humans. The results of their study could also be used to develop better prostheses.

Oct 27th, 2015

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