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Robot law - forging a new legal discipline

What happens to privacy when drones are deployed by police? What place do agbots (agricultural robots) have in ensuring food security? Whither the legal profession now that robots are performing legal tasks overseas?

Oct 6th, 2016

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What artificial intelligence will look like in 2030

A panel of academics and industry thinkers has looked ahead to 2030 to forecast how advances in AI might affect life in a typical North American city and spark discussion about how to ensure the safe, fair, and beneficial development of these rapidly developing technologies.

Sep 22nd, 2016

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Machine learning in a quantum world

From self-driving cars and IBM's Watson to chess engines and AlphaGo, there is no shortage of news about machine learning, the field of artificial intelligence that studies how to make computers that can learn. Recently, parallel to these advances, scientists have started to ask how quantum devices and techniques might aid machine learning in the future.

Sep 17th, 2016

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World first for robot eye operation

Surgeons have performed the world's first operation inside the eye using a robot. They used the remotely controlled robot to lift a membrane 100th of a millimetre thick from the retina at the back of the right eye.

Sep 12th, 2016

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Team of robots learns to work together, without colliding (w/video)

When you have too many robots together, they get so focused on not colliding with each other that they eventually just stop moving. New algorithms are different: they allow any number of robots to move within inches of each other, without colliding, to complete their task - swapping locations on his lab floor.

Sep 7th, 2016

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How maggots are influencing the future of robotics

What can software designers and ICT specialists learn from maggots? Quite a lot, it would appear. Through understanding how complex learning processes in simple organisms work, scientists hope to usher in an era of self-learning robots and predictive computing.

Sep 2nd, 2016

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