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Robotic exoskeleton uses machine learning to help users stand up

Researchers have used a combination of lightweight material engineering and artificial intelligence to create an exoskeleton robot that could help people with mobility impairments. An important element of the new device is technology that allows the skeleton to effectively guess the intentions of the user.

Mar 22nd, 2022

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Decoding brain signals to control a robotic arm

Researchers have developed a mind-reading system for decoding neural signals from the brain during arm movement. The method can be used by a person to control a robotic arm through a brain-machine interface.

Mar 18th, 2022

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Mathematical paradoxes demonstrate the limits of AI

Humans are usually pretty good at recognising when they get things wrong, but artificial intelligence systems are not. According to a new study, AI generally suffers from inherent limitations due to a century-old mathematical paradox.

Mar 17th, 2022

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BirdBot is energy-efficient thanks to nature as a model

A team of scientists constructed a robot leg that, like its natural model, is very energy efficient. BirdBot benefits from a foot-leg coupling through a network of muscles and tendons that extends across multiple joints. In this way, BirdBot needs fewer motors than previous legged robots.

Mar 17th, 2022

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Safe and powerful robotics for near-human tasks

There are currently few concepts for robotic assistance in tasks, which involve close proximity to humans, like housekeeping and care. A new approach uses innovative switchable stiffnesses in robots to combine the required strength with the necessary safety.

Mar 16th, 2022

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Creating our robotic allies

When we think of having our own handy multi-purpose robots, we tend to picture something out of Star Wars or The Jetsons - but the useful technology of the 'future' may not be as far off as we think. Researchers show how robots can become our best allies.

Mar 10th, 2022

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