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A drone for ultrafast transitions between air and water (w/video)

A new robot is capable of switching from an underwater drone to an aerial vehicle in less than one second. The robot also features a suction disc inspired by the remora fish, which enables it to hitchhike on wet or dry moving objects to significantly reduce its power consumption.

May 19th, 2022

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Artificial muscles help robot vacuum manipulators get a grip

The system can adapt almost instantaneously to changes in form, switching seamlessly between differently shaped parts. The articulated gripper is driven electrically, is lightweight and accelerates rapidly and is even able to tell whether it is holding the object securely enough.

May 16th, 2022

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Training robots to solve problems like a human would

Researchers have developed a new form of AI, which, by observing human behavior, can adapt to perform its tasks in a changeable environment. The hope is that robots which can be flexible in this way will be able to work alongside humans to a much greater degree.

Apr 19th, 2022

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How to compete with robots

Roboticists and economists have developed a method for estimating the probability of jobs being automated by future intelligent robots and suggesting career transitions with lower risks and minimal retraining effort.

Apr 16th, 2022

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Fixing AI systems

How do you identify which neurons are responsible for a neural network's wrong outputs? A new project aims to address that issue and fix it.

Apr 13th, 2022

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