Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Advance could aid development of nanoscale biosensors

Imagine a hand-held environmental sensor that can instantly test water for lead, E. coli, and pesticides all at the same time, or a biosensor that can perform a complete blood workup from just a single drop. That's the promise of nanoscale plasmonic interferometry, a technique that combines nanotechnology with plasmonics - the interaction between electrons in a metal and light.

Feb 16th, 2016

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Light used to measure the 'big stretch' in spider silk proteins

While working to improve a tool that measures the pushes and pulls sensed by proteins in living cells, biophysicists at Johns Hopkins say they've discovered one reason spiders' silk is so elastic: Pieces of the silk's protein threads act like supersprings, stretching to five times their initial length.

Feb 15th, 2016

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Shaping crystals with the flow

A new interdisciplinary study on the production of crystals can pave the way for faster drug discovery and delivery, and has several applications in the pharmaceutical, material sciences and biotechnology industry.

Feb 12th, 2016

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