Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Controlling ultrafast electrons in motion

This experiment opens the way to the study of more complex processes which occur in nature on the scale of attoseconds (billionths of a billionth of a second), such as photosynthesis, combustion, catalysis and atmospheric chemistry.

Feb 23rd, 2016

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Researcher's chiral graphene stacks break new ground

Until very recently, 'handedness' in large area films with atomic scale precision hadn't been investigated. A research team now has broken new ground in this area, developing a chiral atomically thin film only 2-atoms-thick, through circular stacking of graphene.

Feb 22nd, 2016

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Chemically storing solar power

Researchers have developed a photo-electrochemical cell that can chemically store the energy of ultraviolet light even at high temperatures.

Feb 22nd, 2016

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A portable device for rapid and highly sensitive diagnostics

When remote regions with limited health facilities experience an epidemic, they need portable diagnostic equipment that functions outside the hospital. As demand for such equipment grows, researchers have developed a low-cost and portable microfluidic diagnostic device. It has been tested on Ebola and can be used to detect many other diseases.

Feb 22nd, 2016

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