Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Tying molecular knots

Researchers report rules to define the order of crossing ends of the DNA chain to obtain rapidly self-tying highly knotted nanostructures.

Feb 18th, 2016

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Quantum magnets forced to ''chillax'

In what may provide a potential path to connecting data in a quantum computer, researchers have shown that excited atoms in silicon can be forced into a relaxed state on-demand using a device that serves as a microwave 'tuning fork'.

Feb 17th, 2016

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New technique for turning sunlight into hydrogen

Researchers have pioneered a new type of multilayered photoelectrode that boosts the ability of solar water-splitting to produce hydrogen. According to the research team, this special photoelectrode, inspired by the way plants convert sunlight into energy is capable of absorbing visible light from the sun, and then using it to split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen.

Feb 17th, 2016

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