Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Physicists find first possible 3D quantum spin liquid

There's no known way to prove a three-dimensional 'quantum spin liquid' exists, so physicists did the next best thing: They showed their single crystals of cerium zirconium pyrochlore had the right stuff to qualify as the first possible 3D version of the long-sought state of matter.

Jul 15th, 2019

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Weyl fermions discovered in another class of materials

Up to now, Weyl fermions had only been found in certain non-magnetic materials. Now however, for the very first time, scientists have experimentally proved their existence in another type of material: a paramagnet with intrinsic slow magnetic fluctuations.

Jul 15th, 2019

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Imaging molecules in different charge states

Researchers have been able to resolve with unprecedented resolution the structural changes of individual molecules upon charging, including porphine, the parent compound of porphyrins. This new understanding unlocks some of the mysteries of molecular charge-function relationships as it relates to how biology converts and transports energy.

Jul 12th, 2019

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