Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Developing technologies that run on light

Researchers are designing a nanoscale photon diode - a necessary component that could bring us closer to faster, more energy-efficient computers and communications that replace electricity with light.

Jul 24th, 2019

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Tiny changes, big impact

As the use of nanoparticles in products grows ever more common, scientists are exploring ways to keep them from harming our freshwater ecosystems.

Jul 24th, 2019

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Valleytronics core theory for future high-efficiency semiconductor technology

Scientists discovered a theory that can expand the development of valleytronics technology, which has been drawing attention as a next generation semiconductor technology. This is expected to advance the development of valleytronics technology one level further, a new magnetic technology of next generation that surpasses the existing data processing speed.

Jul 24th, 2019

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