Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Laser-driven 'chirp' powers high-resolution materials imaging

Scientists can use beams of electrons to study the properties of materials. For example, they can learn about the behavior of subatomic particles and molecular or atomic structure of a material. Shorter electron beams produce higher-resolution views of these properties.

Dec 1st, 2020

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Magnetic vortices come full circle

The first experimental observation of three-dimensional magnetic 'vortex rings' provides fundamental insight into intricate nanoscale structures inside bulk magnets, and offers fresh perspectives for magnetic devices.

Nov 30th, 2020

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Raman holography

Scientists report on a novel Raman holographic technique capable of tracking individual particles in 3D volumes from one single image.

Nov 30th, 2020

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How to store cipher data in magnetic skyrmions

Scientists propose direct magnetic writing of skyrmions, i.e. magnetic quasiparticles, and skyrmion lattices, within which it is possible to encode, transmit, process information, and produce topological patterns with a resolution of less than 100 nanometers.

Nov 30th, 2020

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Researchers run a 'speed test' to boost production of carbon nanotubes

Researchers have investigated the procedure for catalyst delivery used in the most common method of carbon nanotube production, chemical vapor deposition (CVD), offering what they call a simple and elegant way to boost productivity and pave the way for cheaper and more accessible nanotube-based technology.

Nov 30th, 2020

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Nanoscopic barcodes set a new science limit

Imagine shrinking barcodes a million times, from millimetre to nanometre scale, so that they could be used inside living cells to label, identify and track the building blocks of life or, blended into inks to prevent counterfeiting. This is the frontier of nanoengineering, requiring fabrication and controlled manipulation of nanostructures at atomic level.

Nov 29th, 2020

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Freeze like a star! Web exhibition explores the mysteries of the quantum world

Colder than in outer space, higher pressure than 30 sperm whales on a stamp, and super magnets that could hold two Eiffel Towers: The search for new quantum materials - the materials of the day after tomorrow - is taking place today under extreme conditions. Yet it is often difficult to understand what the researchers actually do in their high-performance laboratories.

Nov 29th, 2020

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Physicists invent printable superconducting devices

Superconducting devices such as SQUIDS (Superconducting Quantum Interferometry Device) can perform ultra-sensitive measurements of magnetic fields. Physicsts invented a method to 3D-print these and other superconducting devices in minutes.

Nov 27th, 2020

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