Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

A molecule like a nanobattery

How do molecular catalysts function, and what effects do they have? A team of chemists has come closer to the answers using a model molecule that functions like a molecular nanobattery.

Dec 8th, 2020

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Magnetic bacteria as micropumps

Scientists use magnetic bacteria to control liquids at the micro level. They are already thinking about using them in the human bloodstream for precision delivery of cancer drugs to a tumour.

Dec 8th, 2020

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Observing the ultrafast motion of atoms and electrons

New research shows that it is possible to distinguish between the electronic dynamics of atomic motion on the scale of one tenth of one millionth millionth of a second (or 100 femtoseconds). This opens the way for the development of a science that can control materials through light.

Dec 8th, 2020

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Defects slow the electron's dance

Researchers used two advanced microscopy techniques to learn how crystal defects in a type of solar power cell affect their performance. The study involved crystalline solar cells called lead halide perovskite cells.

Dec 7th, 2020

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Finetuning 'twistronics' of 2D crystals

Researchers have revealed a breakthrough method that could lead to autonomous robotic control and therefore precise fine tuning of the 'twist' between atom-thin 2D materials layers stacked in a superlattice structure - a pioneering device that could help transform technology and achieve superconductive electronics.

Dec 4th, 2020

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