Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

An optical curveball (w/video)

The Magnus effect describes the fact that spinning objects tend to move along curved paths. New research shows that the same effect occurs to atoms moving through light - and that this effect has practical consequences.

Dec 4th, 2020

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Ionic defect landscape in perovskite solar cells revealed

Scientists were able to identify essential properties of the ions that make up metal halide perovskites. The migration of the ions leads to the presence of defects in the material, which have a negative effect on the efficiency and stability of perovskite solar cells.

Dec 3rd, 2020

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Graphene nanoparticles - a new type of amorphous solid bodies

Amorphous forms of solid carbon do not have a fixed crystal structure and consist of structural units - nanosized graphene particles. A team of physicists studied the structure of amorphous carbon and suggested classifying it as a separate type of amorphous solid bodies: a molecular amorphic with enforced fragmentation.

Dec 2nd, 2020

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New glue sticks easily, holds strongly, and is a gas to pull apart

Scientists have discovered a class of molecular materials that can be used to make temporary adhesives that don't require force for removal. These non-permanent glues won't be available as home or office supplies, but they can lead to new manufacturing techniques and pharmaceutical design.

Dec 2nd, 2020

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