Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Microscopic polystyrene balls - now jet-propelled

Physicists have created an armada of self-propelled polystyrene balls about as wide as a strand of your hair. Their efforts are moving toward self-propelled nanoswimmers that could navigate narrow channels such as the human circulatory system.

Jul 16th, 2007

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Miraculous mosquito legs

The secret to mosquito water walking appears to be feathery scales a few microns across that in turn are covered with nanoscopic ribbing, forming what the physicists have dubbed (in an apparent fit of excessive prefixing) a micronanostructure.

Jul 16th, 2007

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On a wire or in a fiber, a wave is a wave

In an experiment modeled on the classic "Young's double slit experiment" researchers have powerfully reinforced the understanding that surface plasmon polaritons move as waves and follow analogous rules.

Jul 13th, 2007

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Modern redux of classic experiment illuminates nanoscience of 'plasmonics'

The science of plasmonics describes how metals can essentially transmit and manipulate light waves at length scales much smaller than their wavelengths. Now, by redoing a classic optics experiment with plasmonics, engineers have made key insights into the nature and the practical limits of this up-and-coming nanoscale information technology.

Jul 12th, 2007

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Big improvement for little pictures

Physicists describe a new way to view three-dimensional structures in real time. Although they haven't yet published 3-D movies, they managed to reconstruct the heights of tiny droplets using still images from 2-D movies.

Jul 11th, 2007

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Risk governance of nanotechnology

A newly released report from the Swiss Re Centre for Global Dialogue: "The Risk Governance of Nanotechnology: Recommendations for Managing a Global Issue".

Jul 11th, 2007

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