Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

How to deal with nanotechnology waste

A new report presents the most comprehensive analysis to-date of two key Environmental Protection Agency laws that regulate the end-of-life management of nanotechnology.

Jul 27th, 2007

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Hidden order found in a quantum spin liquid

A newly detected, hidden "string order" that extends over a length of 30 nanometers in a material that is otherwise apparently disordered, could have implications for the design of materials at the nanoscale, including those used for a developing concept known as quantum computing.

Jul 26th, 2007

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Graphene oxide paper could spawn a new class of materials

Researchers have fabricated a new type of paper that they hope will create a revolution of its own - and while it won't replace your notepad, this remarkably stiff and strong yet lightweight material should find use in a wide variety of applications.

Jul 25th, 2007

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