Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

First projects launched under FP7 now profiled on CORDIS

One year into the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) and action is well underway, with the third call for proposals currently active. Information on the first projects accepted for funding under FP7 has now also been published on CORDIS, the EU's official information service for research and development.

Dec 31st, 2007

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Chinese experts call for nanotechnology information development

Although nano-materials are currently high on research agenda, efforts should be made to promote nano-information technology in China because nanoelectronics is the nanotechnology with most market potentials, says Prof. HU Weiwu from the CAS Institute of Computing Technology.

Dec 31st, 2007

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Nanotechnology coming to a face near you

Panasonic has introduced a new electrical shaver - the ES8228S Vortex Nano Shaver with Nanotech Blades - which it claims 'delivers the sharpest blades for precise and accurate shaving, now with nanotechnology.'

Dec 28th, 2007

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India preps nanotechnology policy

India has brought together a core group of about a dozen researchers from academia, industry and research spheres to develop a national nanotechnology policy.

Dec 28th, 2007

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The Future of Nanomaterials

The DC-based research and consulting firm Social Technologies recently released a series of 12 briefs that shed light on the top areas for technology innovation through 2025. The brief on 'nanomaterials,' by futurist Peter von Stackelberg, is the fourth trend in the series.

Dec 28th, 2007

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Dry machining enhanced by superhard nanocomposites

For dry machining, high hardness and high oxidation-resistance are both important. That's why superhard nanocomposites, which represent a new, advanced generation of wear protective coatings boosting such advantages as high hardness and high oxidation, are important to dry machining.

Dec 27th, 2007

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Cornell joins solar energy consortium

On Dec. 4, U.S. Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-22nd District), announced that Cornell will be one of five universities joining New York State�??s Solar Energy Consortium, which he helped create.

Dec 26th, 2007

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