Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

'Enlightened' atoms stage nano-riot against uniformity

When atoms in a crystal are struck by laser light, their electrons, excited by the light, typically begin moving back and forth together in a regular pattern, resembling nanoscale soldiers marching in a lockstep formation. But according to a new theory developed by Johns Hopkins researchers, under the right conditions these atoms will rebel against uniformity.

Nov 17th, 2008

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How to make water bounce

Using a high-speed camera setup, GE scientists captured details of water droplets dancing on superhydrophobic surfaces developed in GE Global Research's Nanotechnology lab.

Nov 17th, 2008

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Polymer films that change color when stretched

Researchers at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) in Japan have developed polymer films that change color instantaneously and reversibly in response to changes in the tension applied.

Nov 17th, 2008

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UAE nanotechnology conference opens

United Arab Emirates (UAE) Higher Education and Scientific Research Minister HE Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, opened today the second International Conference on Bio-Nanotechnology conference at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre.

Nov 17th, 2008

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Submissions open for SPMage09 Nanotechnology Image Contest

The SPMage09 competition has the aim to recognize the important contributions to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology that have been made by the many nano initiatives underway around the world. An international jury of prominent researchers in the field of SPM will judge the images submitted to the Image Prize competition.

Nov 14th, 2008

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