Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Advanced biomaterials to make more reliable and hardwearing medical implants

The TECNALIA Technological Corporation is taking part in the Cenit Intelimplant project, the goal of which is to develop advanced biomaterials based on innovative technologies (microtechnologies, nanotechnologies, tissue and surface engineering) for the manufacture of a new generation of implants which have greater durability and reliability, need less recuperation time and that provide data on their state and progress.

Nov 12th, 2008

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Nanofibers for the third millenium

The international summit of the world's leaders in nanofibers - Nanofibers for the 3rd Millennium - NANO FOR LIFE organized in the cooperation of Elmarco Ltd., Technical University in Liberec, North Carolina State University and Institute of Experimental Medicine AS CR, will take place on 11th and 12th March 2009 in Prague, Czech Republic.

Nov 12th, 2008

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Molecules That Matter series showcases 10 organic molecules that profoundly altered our world

The Chemical Heritage Foundation's 'Molecule that Matters' exhibition and lecture series is more than half way through its run. The exhibition showcases 10 organic molecules that profoundly altered our world: aspirin, isooctane, penicillin, polyethylene, nylon, DNA, progestin, DDT, Prozac, and buckminsterfullerene. The exhibit connects each molecule to one decade of the 20th century.

Nov 12th, 2008

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Schroedinger's drum

According to recent theoretical papers, it should soon be possible to explore the weird effects of quantum mechanics with a drum-like reflective membrane vibrating in an optical cavity.

Nov 12th, 2008

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Nanotechnology has a positive image in the German media

The analysis of nanotechnology coverage in German print media was the subject of a research project conducted by the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR). The results: In the media coverage nanotechnology is not presented as a risk technology; most articles stress the benefits of this new technology.

Nov 11th, 2008

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