Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Picosun employee defends his PhD thesis on atomic layer deposition

Today at noon Finnish time, Kai-Erik Elers, Technical Applications Manager of the leading Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) systems manufacturer Picosun Oy presents and defends his PhD thesis 'Copper Diffusion Barrier Deposition on Integrated Circuit Devices by Atomic Layer Deposition Technique' at the Department of Chemistry of the Faculty of Science of the University of Helsinki.

Nov 18th, 2008

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Nanofasern aus Blut

Dass sich aus Fibrinogen neue Nano-Materialien auf Naturstoffbasis herstellen lassen, zeigen Dr. Gang Wei und Prof. Jandt vom IMT.

Nov 18th, 2008

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Nanotechnology exhibit in a shopping center part of UAlbany's NANOvember

Taking a novel approach to educating the public about the fast-growing field of nanotechnology, the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering of the University at Albany and Colonie Center today unveiled what is believed to be the first nanotechnology exhibit to be located in a shopping center anywhere in the world.

Nov 17th, 2008

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