Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Conference to discuss future of nanotechnology enabled sensors

The one-day conference and exhibition titled 'Applications of Micro and Nanosensors in Security, Health and Environmental Monitoring' will showcase novel sensing technologies developed by UK companies and Universities leading to new applications in Security, Health and the Environmental Monitoring.

Feb 25th, 2009

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Powerful new materials probe developed for nanotechnology

Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology and The Johns Hopkins University have constructed a unique tool for exploring the properties of promising new materials with unprecedented sensitivity and speed - potentially allowing them to identify quickly those most useful for nanotechnology and industrial applications.

Feb 24th, 2009

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California research grant to convert algae into biofuels with nanocatalysts

The grant was awarded under the commission's Energy Innovations Small Grant program (EISG) and will fund the one-year development of an algae biogasification process that utilizes nanometals as catalysts for the purposes of turning vegetation and similar biomass materials into methane, hydrogen, or other synthetic gases that can be used for transportation and other energy needs.

Feb 24th, 2009

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