Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

EPA grant to study effects of nanoparticles

Studying potential health and environmental effects of tiny industrial building blocks, called nanoparticles, is the goal of a $389,303 grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to Vicki Grassian, director of the University of Iowa Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Institute.

Mar 5th, 2009

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A tale of two excitations for ultracold gas atoms

Theoretical physicists from Argonne National Laboratory, US, and RIKEN's Advanced Science Institute, Wako, have constructed a general theory for describing the characteristics of an unusual and newly discovered system of particles, a chain of 'spin-1/2 bosons'.

Mar 5th, 2009

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RNA research strategy for Europe takes shape

Research into RNA, a molecule found in every cell of our bodies, could lead to remarkable advances in the treatment of diseases such as cancer and diabetes, a meeting organised by the European Science Foundation was told.

Mar 4th, 2009

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Nanomedicine researcher gets $7 million for breast cancer research

Mauro Ferrari, Ph.D., a nanomedicine scientist at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston and The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, has received a five-year, $7 million Innovator Award from the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Breast Cancer Research Program to develop a targeted new delivery system for breast cancer drugs.

Mar 4th, 2009

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Quantum paradox directly observed - a milestone in quantum mechanics

In quantum mechanics, a vanguard of physics where science often merges into philosophy, much of our understanding is based on conjecture and probabilities, but a group of researchers in Japan has moved one of the fundamental paradoxes in quantum mechanics into the lab for experimentation and observed some of the 'spooky action of quantum mechanics' directly.

Mar 3rd, 2009

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