Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Nanotubes destroy kidney tumors

By injecting multiwalled carbon nanotubes into tumors and heating them with a quick, 30-second zap of a laser, a multi-institutional team of researchers has developed a new type of therapy that effectively kills kidney tumors in nearly 80% of treated mice.

Aug 28th, 2009

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Nanoparticles detect and profile cancer cells rapidly

Using a new type of paramagnetic nanoparticle and a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) system built into a microfluidic device, a team of investigators at the Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School has created an assay system capable of detecting as few as two cancer cells in 1 microliter of biological fluid. In addition, the new assay requires little sample processing and produces results in less than 15 minutes.

Aug 28th, 2009

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New cancer drug delivery system Is effective and reversible

For cancer drug developers, finding an agent that kills tumor cells is only part of the equation. The drug also must spare healthy cells, and ideally its effects will be reversible to cut short any potentially dangerous side effects. Investigators from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign report that they have assembled a new cancer drug delivery system that, in cell culture, achieves all of the above.

Aug 28th, 2009

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Intercepting neuronal transmissions with a genetically encoded fluorescent sensor

The nervous system's circuitry is linked together via intercellular junctions known as synapses, and signal transmission across these connections depends on neurotransmitters?specific chemicals that directly deliver excitatory or inhibitory signals from one neuron to another. Scientists are now able to monitor receptor activity in living cells with unprecedented precision.

Aug 28th, 2009

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Metallofullerene als Nano-Datenspeicher

Untersuchungen zeigen, dass Metallofullerene geordnete supramolekulare Strukturen mit unterschiedlichen Orientierungen ausbilden. Durch gezielte Manipulation dieser Orientierungen koennten Daten gespeichert und wieder ausgelesen werden.

Aug 27th, 2009

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