Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Grosses Forschungsprojekt zu Lithium-Ionen-Batterien gestartet

Unter der Leitung des Fraunhofer-Instituts fuer Silicatforschung ISC in Wuerzburg haben sich acht Forschungseinrichtungen zusammengeschlossen, um neue Wege fuer die Speicherung elektrischer Energie zu erforschen. Kuerzlich machte das Bundesministerium fuer Bildung und Forschung den Weg frei fuer das Verbundprojekt 'KoLiWIn'.

Sep 1st, 2009

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Funding boost for nanoplasmonic supercomputers of the future

Computers which use light to process large amounts of data faster than ever before are just one of many groundbreaking potential applications of a new 6 million pounds research programme at Queen's University Belfast and Imperial College London, launched today, 1 September 2009.

Sep 1st, 2009

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Researchers pin quantum particles

Superfast quantum computer getting closer Researchers of the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience at the TU Delft have succeeded in getting a grip on the environment of a quantum particle, thereby increasing the control over single electrons.

Aug 31st, 2009

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Ordering mechanism in metallofullerenes

Metallofullerenes are capable of forming ordered supramolecular structures with different orientations. By specifically manipulating these orientations it might be possible to store and subsequently read out information.

Aug 31st, 2009

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Chemists design polymer-coated nanorods for industrial use

Nanoparticles combining platinum and gold act as superefficient catalysts, but chemists have struggled to create them in an industrially useful form. Rice University chemists have answered the call this week with a polymer-coated version of gold-platinum nanorods, the first catalysts of their kind that can be used in the organic solvents favored by chemical and drug manufacturers.

Aug 31st, 2009

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