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Ein Besen aus Licht soll Farblaser billiger machen

Was Silizium fuer die Entwickler von Computerchips, ist fuer Laserphysiker eine Substanz namens Lithiumniobat. Diese Stellung verdanken die durchsichtigen Kristalle vor allem einer schoenen Eigenschaft: Sie koennen die Farbe von Laserlicht veraendern. Dazu muessen sie allerdings ausreichend sauber sein. Und diese Reinigung war bislang ein schwieriges und teures Unterfangen. Forscher um den Bonner Physiker Professor Dr. Karsten Buse konnten freien Elektronen nun mit einem Besen aus Licht aus dem Kristall kehren.

Aug 31st, 2009

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Ethics of human enhancement: 25 questions and answers

The Human Enhancement Ethics Group today released a new report funded by the US National Science Foundation, addressing such topics as: definitions, possible scenarios, freedom and autonomy, fairness and equity, societal disruptions, human dignity, rights and obligations, and policy and law.

Aug 31st, 2009

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Antibody replacements just a 'click' away

Chemists at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and The Scripps Research Institute (SRI) have developed an innovative technique to create cheap but highly stable chemicals that have the potential to take the place of the antibodies used in many standard medical diagnostic tests.

Aug 28th, 2009

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Accoustic tweezers to place nano-objects

Manipulating tiny objects like single cells or nanosized beads often requires relatively large, unwieldy equipment, but now a system that uses sound as a tiny tweezers can be small enough to place on a chip, according to Penn State engineers.

Aug 28th, 2009

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Nanoflares light up molecules in live cells

By combining a gold nanoparticle with a unique family of nucleic acids, researchers at Northwestern University have created a new type of intracellular reporting system that with a flash of light reveals the presence and quantity of a wide variety of biologically important molecules.

Aug 28th, 2009

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