Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

New nano-ruler sets some very small marks

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has issued a new ruler, and even for an organization that routinely deals in superlatives, it sets some records. Designed to be the most accurate commercially available 'meter stick' for the nano world, the new measuring tool?a calibration standard for X-ray diffraction?boasts uncertainties below a femtometer.

Sep 22nd, 2009

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US Air Force enters Swedish nanotechnology alliance

The U.S. Air Force (USAF) has formed a partnership with a Swedish consortium headed by Forsvarets Materielverk (FMV) that will develop technologies for electronic standardization and miniaturization for the Swedish Gripen and U.S. aircraft.

Sep 22nd, 2009

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Fabrics that fight germs and detect explosives go to market

Fabrics with embedded nanoparticles to detect counterfeiting devices, explosives and dangerous chemicals or to serve as antibacterials for hospitals, law enforcement or the hospitality industry are just a few of the products that a new company, launched by two Cornell researchers, will produce.

Sep 22nd, 2009

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