Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Metallic glass for bone surgery

It is possible that broken bones will in the near future be fixed using metallic glass. Materials researchers at ETH Zurich have developed an alloy that could herald a new generation of biodegradable bone implants.

Sep 28th, 2009

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Uni Kassel auf der RusNanoTech 09 in Moskau

Auf dem 2. Internationalen Nanotechnologie Forum (RusNanoTech 09) in Moskau, organisiert das BMBF vom 6. bis 8. Oktober einen deutschen Gemeinschaftsstand, auf dem auch die Universitaet Kassel vertreten sein wird.

Sep 28th, 2009

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Exitons bring new type of fast computers closer to reality

Physicists at UC San Diego have successfully created speedy integrated circuits with particles called 'excitons' that operate at commercially cold temperatures, bringing the possibility of a new type of extremely fast computer based on excitons closer to reality.

Sep 27th, 2009

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