Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Optics made to measure

If you are in the business of developing high-speed electronic components, it pays not to lose sight of the electrons. To keep track of them you will need to use dedicated optical elements, such as those now on offer from UltraFast Innovations GmbH.

Sep 16th, 2009

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Spelling B-Y-U with DNA

College football fans cheer when marching bands spell out the home team?s name in gigantic letters on the field at halftime. Now scientists in Utah are reporting the ultimate in one-upmanship: Development of a new technology for writing the school name in letters so small that 500 would fit across the diameter of a human hair.

Sep 16th, 2009

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Anticancer nanomedicine with albumin nanospheres

Tiny particles of albumin, a protein found in the blood, can be used to carry radioactive isotopes to the site of a cancerous tumour in the body and so avoid many of the side-effects of conventional radiotherapy.

Sep 16th, 2009

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Branchendialog NanoEngineering: Jetzt online anmelden

Der Branchendialog 'NanoEngineering' soll am 8. Dezember 2009 in Duesseldorf zeigen, wie neue Entwicklungen aus der Material- und Nanotechnologieforschung in die Praxis des Maschinen- und Anlagenbaus ueberfuehrt und damit Kosteneinsparungen erzielt sowie neue Maerkte erschlossen werden koennen.

Sep 16th, 2009

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MIT team finds way to combine microprocessor materials

For decades, researchers have been trying to combine semiconductor materials that have different and potentially complementary characteristics into a single microchip. Now, an MIT team has finally succeeded in this effort, an advance that could point to a way of overcoming fundamental barriers of size and speed facing today's silicon chips.

Sep 16th, 2009

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A giant step for nanotechnology in Australia

The Australian research community will soon have access to one of the most powerful nanotechnology instruments in the world, able to write and etch data on particles ten thousand times smaller than the width of a human hair.

Sep 15th, 2009

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NorTech transitions nanotechnology network initiative to PolymerOhio

Today NorTech, the champion for high tech industry growth in Northeast Ohio, announced it will transition operations of its Nano-Network initiative to PolymerOhio, a statewide organization that accelerates commercialization activities across a wide range of applications in the polymer and advanced materials industries.

Sep 15th, 2009

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