Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Washington Metro Region Nanotechnology Partnership Forum at NIST

On Sept. 13, 2010, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the Federal Laboratory Consortium, the Maryland Technology Development Corporation (TEDCO) and the Montgomery County Department of Economic Development will co-sponsor a nanotechnology forum on NIST's Gaithersburg, Md., campus.

Aug 31st, 2010

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Micro rheometer is latest lab-on-a-chip device

Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have demonstrated a microminiaturized device that can make complex viscosity measurements - critical data for a wide variety of fields dealing with things that have to flow - on sample sizes as small as a few nanoliters.

Aug 31st, 2010

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Silicon oxide nanoelectronics circuits break barrier

Rice University scientists have created the first two-terminal memory chips that use only silicon, one of the most common substances on the planet, in a way that should be easily adaptable to nanoelectronic manufacturing techniques and promises to extend the limits of miniaturization subject to Moore's Law.

Aug 31st, 2010

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Glass magic - a film that changes what glass can do

Researchers have developed a process that allows them to manufacture not just transparent, but heatable films. These films also prevent condensation, ensuring ice cannot build up on the windscreen overnight - and, once and for all, consigning the ice scraper to the trash can.

Aug 31st, 2010

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Glass that optimises use of solar energy

The Construction Unit at Tecnalia (in conjunction with the University of Cantabria) has taken part in the Sunglass project. The aim is to develop a new product for the building Sector. This involves a glass that augments the efficiency of photovoltaic solar systems.

Aug 30th, 2010

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Uni Bayreuth: Symposium 'Nanostrukturierte Polymere'

Vom 12. bis 13. Oktober 2010 ist die Universitaet Bayreuth Gastgeber des 2. Symposiums 'Nanostrukturierte Polymere'. Die Veranstaltung ist ein Forum fuer den Austausch zwischen Grundlagenforschung und Anwendung im Bereich der Polymere und Kolloide.

Aug 30th, 2010

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Protein bio-encapsulation and adsorption in hydrophobic nanoporous silica-based sol-gel glasses to mimic and probe the enhancement of protein folding

Researchers at Fluorotronics, Inc. (San Diego, USA) have enlightened the role of hydrophobic surfaces in the enhancement of proteins folding. They say that organic-inorganic nanoporous silica sol-gel glasses constitute the ideal support for protein bioencapsulation and adsorption, and to study the different factors influencing the protein folding process in a crowded environment.

Aug 30th, 2010

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