Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Medicine reaches its target with the help of magnets

If a drug can be guided to the right place in the body, the treatment is more effective and there are fewer side-effects. Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have now developed magnetic nanoparticles that can be directed to metallic implants such as artificial knee joints, hip joints and stents in the coronary arteries.

Aug 26th, 2010

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Trouble with sputter? Blame giant nanoparticles

Researchers have found an explanation why sometimes sputter deposition based coatings peel off or the product bends in on itself and cracks, as if the film was stretched tight before it was applied to the surface.

Aug 25th, 2010

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Microneedle, quantum dot study opens door to new clinical cancer tools

Researchers from North Carolina State University have developed extremely small microneedles that can be used to deliver medically-relevant nanoscale dyes called quantum dots into skin - an advance that opens the door to new techniques for diagnosing and treating a variety of medical conditions, including skin cancer.

Aug 25th, 2010

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Nanostructured gadolinium gives flash memory a future

Future flash memory could be faster and store more data without changing its basic design by using a clever nanocrystal material proposed by scientists at Taiwan's Chang Gung University, who describe a new logical element made with the rare earth material gadolinium.

Aug 25th, 2010

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