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Quantenmechanischer Zufallsgenerator

Forscher haben ein Geraet konstruiert das mit echtem Zufall arbeitet. Ihre Apparatur liefert zufaellige Zahlen, die prinzipiell nicht vorhergesagt werden koennen, und zwar mit Hilfe der Quantenphysik.

Sep 6th, 2010

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Electronic nose sniffs out bacteria

Early treatment of infection in burns patients is critical. A European consortium has designed a point-of-care instrument that can identify types of bacteria from the tiny amounts of volatile gases they emit.

Sep 6th, 2010

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Institute for NanoBioTechnology's international research program sends second team of students to Belgium

Johns Hopkins Institute for NanoBioTechnology supports university students to conduct research in an international setting. Their work, travel and housing expenses are funded through INBT with a National Science Foundation's International Research Experience for Students (IRES) program and through a partnership with The Inter-University MircroElectronics Centre (IMEC) in Leuven, Belgium.

Sep 4th, 2010

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Google logo shows a buckyball today

How cool is that - Google marks the discovery of the fullerene 25 years ago today, September 4, 1985, with a special Google logo on its site that includes a C60 structure.

Sep 4th, 2010

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Magnetism's subatomic roots

A new conceptual model, which was created to learn more about the quantum quirks of high-temperature superconductors and other high-tech materials, has also proven useful in describing the origins of ferromagnetism -- the everyday 'magnetism' of compass needles and refrigerator magnets.

Sep 3rd, 2010

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Mapping state lines

A network of filamentary conducting paths is behind the transition between insulating and conducting states in complex oxides.

Sep 3rd, 2010

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Electronics from a printer - of electronic radio tags and lighting wallpapers

Glucose meters and the appropriate test strips for diabetics are expensive. This however might change, since scientists at the Institute of Printing Science and Technology (IDD) at TU Darmstadt are working on a sensor making the electronic devices considerably cheaper. The new sensor is not based on silicon as conducting material, but on plastics.

Sep 3rd, 2010

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