Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Transparent, super-stretchy skin-like sensor

Imagine having skin so supple you could stretch it out to more than twice its normal length in any direction - repeatedly - yet it would always snap back completely wrinkle-free when you let go of it. You would certainly never need Botox.

Oct 24th, 2011

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Mit Nano-Cellulose zu neuartigen Verbundwerkstoffen

Empa-Forschende entwickelten ein Herstellungsverfahren fuer Nano-Cellulosepulver, aus dem sich Polymerverbundwerkstoffe herstellen lassen, die beispielsweise als Leichtbauwerkstoff im Automobilbau oder als Membran- oder Filtermaterial in der Biomedizin Verwendung finden koennten.

Oct 24th, 2011

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Shape shifting nanomaterials

Two-dimensional molecular porous networks of various structures can be produced from the same components by exploiting the hierarchy of hydrogen bonds.

Oct 24th, 2011

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Gold nanoparticles speed up discovery of the genetic patterns responsible for disease

Many illnesses are now being linked to particular patterns of mutations in an individual's DNA. However, the search for these patterns, known as haplotypes, is generally a slow and painstaking process. Yongyong Shi and colleagues from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China have now shown how gold nanoparticles can be used to turn haplotyping into a high-throughput process.

Oct 24th, 2011

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Researchers develop new concept for rechargeable batteries

KIT researchers have developed a new concept for rechargeable batteries. Based on a fluoride shuttle -- the transfer of fluoride anions between the electrodes -- it promises to enhance the storage capacity reached by lithium-ion batteries by several factors.

Oct 21st, 2011

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Laser ion source produces a new generation of semiconductors

For ion implantation, that is 'hammering' ions into the surface layer of the material, conventional ion accelerators are commonly used. Laser ion sources are much simpler, cheaper and more universal. However, they emit wide energy ions usually accompanied by some admixtures. In the Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion in Warsaw a unique laser ion source has been built which is equipped with a special system for accelerating ions to a chosen energy and for eliminating admixtures.

Oct 21st, 2011

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