Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Manufacturing goes viral

Researchers coax viruses to assemble into synthetics with microstructures and properties akin to those of corneas, teeth and skin.

Oct 19th, 2011

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Register now for Nanoinformatics 2011

Nanoinformatics 2011 will bring together informatics experts, nanotechnology researchers, and other stakeholders and potential contributors to advance Nanoinformatics 2020 Roadmap goals. The workshop will set a clear path for Nanoinformatics participants through the presentation of projects and research, open discussions, and strategic planning sessions.

Oct 19th, 2011

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Glowing beacons reveal hidden order in dynamical systems

A dynamical system in which repeated measurements on a single particle yield the same mean result as a single measurement of the whole ensemble is said to be ergodic. The ergodic theorem expresses a fundamental physical principle, and its validity for diffusive processes has now been demonstrated.

Oct 19th, 2011

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Statuspapier des DECHEMA/VCI -Arbeitskreises: "Responsible Production and Use of Nanomaterials"

Ein soeben herausgegebenes Statuspapier des DECHEMA/VCI-Arbeitskreises "Responsible Production and Use of Nanomaterials" bietet eine Zusammenstellung der bereits geleisteten Arbeiten und erzielten Ergebnisse in der Sicherheitsforschung fuer Nanomaterialien einerseits sowie der laufenden Aktivitaeten und zu erwartenden Resultate andererseits. Dabei liegt der Fokus der Betrachtung auf Deutschland mit einem Ausblick auf Arbeiten und Ergebnisse auf europaeischer Ebene.

Oct 18th, 2011

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