Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Single photons for optical information transfer

A research team at the University of Alberta wants to refine the optical transmission of information by using a single photon, the fundamental building block of light that can allow unprecedented applications in optical information transfer.

Oct 27th, 2011

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Shaken, not stirred: Scientists spy molecular maneuvers

Stir this clear liquid in a glass vial and nothing happens. Shake this liquid, and free-floating sheets of protein-like structures emerge, ready to detect molecules or catalyze a reaction. This isn't the latest gadget from James Bond's arsenal -- rather, the latest research from the Berkeley Lab scientists unveiling how slim sheets of protein-like structures self-assemble.

Oct 27th, 2011

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Taking a page from nature to build better nanomaterials

A group of researchers has devised a unique experiment to mimic the natural process of biomineralization in order to create oriented gold nanocrystals and examine their formation at the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science's Advanced Photon Source (APS) at Argonne National Laboratory.

Oct 27th, 2011

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Carbon nanostructures for easier detection of Parkinson's disease

Dopamine deficiency is indicative of serious diseases of the nervous system. Tests of dopamine concentration are expensive and require specialised equipment that is unavailable in doctors' offices. New electrodes coated with carbon nanoparticles deposited on silicate submicroparticles allow to detect dopamine in solutions easily and at low cost, even in the presence of interferences.

Oct 27th, 2011

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The molecular force is with this team

Xiaohui "Frank" Zhang is integrating physics, immunology and biology to develop a "nanodevice" that could provide a new treatment for stroke, thrombosis and atherosclerosis.

Oct 26th, 2011

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