Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Nanoscale bouncing gold droplets

When a pebble is dropped onto the surface of a pond, a droplet of water bounces up from the surface. The same thing happens when a focussed laser-beam strikes the surface of a thin metal film - the metal can be locally melted by the laser light and it can bounce up from the metal surface as a metallic droplet. Researchers now show that this phenomenon can be used to make nanoscale metallic droplets.

Jan 19th, 2012

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Controlling molecular self-assembly via different pathways

Researchers at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) have succeeded in monitoring and controlling a molecular self-assembly process via different pathways. While it was formerly thought that the molecules form the right structure by themselves, this research shows that the assembly process can follow different pathways yielding different structures; in this case polymer chains with left- and right-handed helical directions.

Jan 19th, 2012

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Breast cancer cells targeted, then burned, by gold-filled silicon wafers

By shining infrared light on specially designed, gold-filled silicon wafers, scientists at The Methodist Hospital Research Institute have successfully targeted and burned breast cancer cells. If the technology is shown to work in human clinical trials, it could provide patients a non-invasive alternative to surgical ablation, and could be used in conjunction with traditional cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy, to make those treatments more effective.

Jan 18th, 2012

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A baby crystal is born

Scientists have determined that a structure comprising 32 lead-sulfur pairs is the smallest possible cubic arrangement that exhibits the same coordination as bulk lead sulfide.

Jan 18th, 2012

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The hot topics in printed electronics

On 3-4 April, IDTechEx is hosting its 8th annual Printed Electronics Europe event in Berlin, Germany. The event focus is on the commercialisation of printed electronics, with adopters from many verticals discussing their needs and experiences.

Jan 17th, 2012

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Biologischer Nanomotor mit Hybridantrieb entdeckt

Methanbildende Archaeen gehoeren zu den urspruenglichsten Lebensformen auf der Erde. In den Tiefen der Ozeane gewinnen diese Mikroorganismen Energie fuer ihren Stoffwechsel, indem sie aus Kohlendioxid und Wasser Methan herstellen. Energetisch gesehen ist dies am Limit dessen, was ueberhaupt Leben erlaubt.

Jan 17th, 2012

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Holst Centre and imec launch research program on flexible OLED displays

The primary objective of the new program is to develop an economically scalable route to high-volume manufacturing of flexible active-matrix OLED displays. The shared program will bring together partners from across the value chain to tackle challenges such as high resolution, low power consumption, large area, outdoor readability, flexibility and light weight.

Jan 17th, 2012

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