Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

The world's smallest magnetic data storage unit

Scientists from IBM and the German Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL) have built the world's smallest magnetic data storage unit. It uses just twelve atoms per bit, the basic unit of information, and squeezes a whole byte (8 bit) into as few as 96 atoms.

Jan 16th, 2012

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Researchers light up Europe with OLEDs

Novel light-source technology just got a big boost in Europe thanks to the project which tackled the challenge to develop the techniques needed to form the basis for efficient OLED applications for the European general lighting industry.

Jan 16th, 2012

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Nano brushes for water purification

Polluted streams, rivers, lakes and municipal water may soon be getting the Wright State treatment. Sharmila Mukhopadhyay and her researchers are developing near molecular-sized "nano-brushes."

Jan 16th, 2012

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Energy-saving chaperon Hsp90

A special group of proteins, the so-called chaperons, helps other proteins to obtain their correct conformation. A research team from the Nanosystems Initiative Munich could prove that Hsp90 utilizes thermal fluctuations as the driving force for its conformational changes.

Jan 13th, 2012

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Discovering the materials world of Africa

As the guest of the African Materials Research Society and NanoSciences Africa Network (NanoAfNet), the Institute of Nanotechnology (UK) has had an invaluable opportunity to gain substantial insight into the latest developments in materials research and applications in Africa.

Jan 13th, 2012

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New family of composite structures

Material scientists at ETH-Zurich are working on composite materials that mimic the structure of seashells. Such complex structures are produced using magnetic nanoparticles which guide the composites' stiffer elements into place.

Jan 13th, 2012

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