Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Under the electron microscope - a 3D image of an individual protein

At the Molecular Foundry, Berkeley Lab's acclaimed nanotechnology research center, Ren has pushed his Zeiss Libra 120 Cryo-Tem microscope to resolutions never envisioned by its German manufacturers, producing detailed snapshots of individual molecules. Today, he and his colleague Lei Zhang are reporting the first 3-D images of an individual protein ever obtained with enough clarity to determine its structure.

Jan 24th, 2012

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New biomedical carbons: From lab to market

Developing a technology and selling a product are two very different processes, which require very different skill sets. The EU is supporting commercial exploitation of scientific results in nanotechnologies.

Jan 24th, 2012

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New insight into how metals fail

Cornell engineers, trying to better understand this process, have discovered that nanoscale voids behave differently than the larger ones that are hundreds of thousands of atoms in scale, studied through traditional physics. This insight could lead to improved ability to predict how cracks grow in metals, and how to engineer better materials.

Jan 23rd, 2012

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Ultrafast magnetic processes observed 'live' using an X-ray laser

In first-of-their-kind experiments performed at the American X-ray laser LCLS, a collaboration led by researchers from the Paul Scherrer Institute has been able to precisely follow how the magnetic structure of a material changes. The study was carried out on cupric oxide (CuO).

Jan 23rd, 2012

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Graphene is "invisible" to water

Engineering researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Rice University coated pieces of gold, copper, and silicon with a single layer of graphene, and then placed a drop of water on the coated surfaces. Surprisingly, the layer of graphene proved to have virtually no impact on the manner in which water spreads on the surfaces.

Jan 23rd, 2012

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