Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Nanosilver in textiles - friend or foe?

Antimicrobial silver nanoparticles may enable people to use textiles in an environmentally more sustainable way, even though a question mark remains on their potential risks.

Apr 12th, 2013

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Researchers precisely control nanowire position and orientation using fluid flow

Scientists from the the NIST Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology and the University of Maryland have used a combination of electric fields and fluid flow to precisely move and rotate nanowires, and have demonstrated that this method can be used to manipulate nanowires regardless of whether they are made from dielectric, semiconducting, or metallic materials.

Apr 12th, 2013

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Organic microtransistor prototypes map the mind

To make better mind maps, a group of French scientists - building on prototypes developed at the Cornell NanoScale Science and Technology Facility - have produced the world's first microscopic, organic transistors that can amplify and record signals from within the brain itself.

Apr 12th, 2013

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Scientists develop world's smallest drug deliverer

Cornell researchers have created a pore in 'Cornell Dots' - brightly glowing nanoparticles nicknamed C-Dots - that can carry medicine. This new and improved nanoscale courier may help light up cancer cells and provide a new patient-friendly, viable option to battle cancer.

Apr 12th, 2013

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Watching bioactive molecules at work

Design rules for maximizing signal strength improve a technique that allows researchers to capture snapshots of small molecules as they move around inside live cells.

Apr 12th, 2013

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Silicon's double magic

The observation of a deformed atomic nucleus for a symmetric isotope of silicon suggests new forces at work.

Apr 12th, 2013

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