Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Using nanotechnology to clean the environment (w/video)

Researchers from Rice University, DuPont Central Research and Development and Stanford University have announced a full-scale field test of an innovative process that gently but quickly destroys some of the world's most pervasive and problematic pollutants. The technology, called PGClear, originated from basic scientific research at Rice during a 10-year, federally funded initiative to use nanotechnology to clean the environment.

Apr 16th, 2013

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CIC nanoGUNE launches Simune, an atomic-scale simulations service for companies

CIC nanoGUNE launches a new service called Simune with the aim of supporting a large variety of companies and institutions in their R+D processes. This service will perform computer simulations in order to study the behavior of matter at the atomic scale. In this way, Simune will help to solve specific technological problems with a lower investment.

Apr 16th, 2013

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Physiker der Saar-Uni untersuchen Gefrierprozess in Nanoporen

Substanzen, die sich in winzigsten Poren befinden, weisen m�glicherweise andere physikalische Eigenschaften auf als au�erhalb der Poren. So gefriert Wasser in nanopor�sem Gestein nicht bei null Grad Celsius, sondern erst bei deutlich tieferen Temperaturen.

Apr 16th, 2013

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