Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Tin nanocrystals for the battery of the future

More powerful batteries could help electric cars achieve a considerably larger range and thus a breakthrough on the market. A new nanomaterial for lithium ion batteries developed in the labs of chemists at ETH Zurich and Empa could come into play here.

Apr 8th, 2013

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Darwinian evolution of new chemistry and nanomedicine

An entirely new way of thinking about pharmaceuticals - this is the goal of Morten Meldal , one of two new 'Lighthouse Professors' in chemistry at the University of Copenhagen. Meldal, 59, has been appointed by UCPH's Department of Chemistry to establish the soon to be Evolutionary Chemical Biology research centre. Along with the appointment, 35 million kroner has been granted by the University to get the centre up and running.

Apr 7th, 2013

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NIH grant focuses on nanotechnology to treat prostate cancer

As prostate cancer progresses, the cancer cells become more resistant to traditional treatments such as chemotherapy and they become more aggressive and spread more rapidly. But now, a Temple School of Pharmacy researcher is exploring the use of nanotechnology to effectively treat latter-stage prostate cancer.

Apr 7th, 2013

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Electron conflict leads to 'bad traffic' on way to superconductivity

Rice University physicists on the hunt for the origins of high-temperature superconductivity have published new findings this week about a seemingly contradictory state in which a material simultaneously exhibits the conflicting characteristics of both a metallic conductor and an insulator.

Apr 5th, 2013

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Tracing photochemical reactions

When light hits organic molecules, it triggers processes that are of considerable interest to scientists. But the individual steps of the reaction are very hard to identify. A study group at the University of W�rzburg has now accomplished this task - with a sophisticated approach.

Apr 5th, 2013

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A fingerprint of exhaled breath

Researchers could show that exhaled human breath contains a characteristic molecular 'fingerprint'. The scientists want to use this finding to diagnose diseases based on the chemical analysis of patient's exhaled breath, using highly sensitive and precise instrumental methods.

Apr 4th, 2013

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Scientists use cloud of atoms as optical memory device

Talk about storing data in the cloud. Scientists at the Joint Quantum Institute (JQI) of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the University of Maryland have taken this to a whole new level by demonstrating that they can store visual images within quite an ethereal memory device - a thin vapor of rubidium atoms. The effort may prove helpful in creating memory for quantum computers.

Apr 4th, 2013

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