Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Physicists demonstrate magnetism inside a single molecule

A team of physicists has succeeded in performing an extraordinary experiment: They demonstrated how magnetism that generally manifests itself by a force between two magnetized objects acts within a single molecule. This discovery is of high significance to fundamental research and provides scientists with a new tool to better understand magnetism as an elementary phenomenon of physics.

Jul 25th, 2013

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Playing Lego on an atomic scale

Sparked by nanomaterial graphene, a 'gold rush' on new materials made layer by layer with atomic precision is about to begin, according to Nobel Laureate Andre Geim.

Jul 25th, 2013

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Reinste Nanopartikel f�r bessere Katalysatoren

Seine Methode ist ungew�hnlich und hat Potenzial: Mit Laserlicht m�chte Dr. Philipp Wagener von der Universit�t Duisburg-Essen hochreine Nanomaterialien erzeugen, um die Katalyse und die Energietechnik effizienter zu machen.

Jul 25th, 2013

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A nanotechnology holy grail in label-free cancer marker detection: Single molecules

Just months after setting a record for detecting the smallest single virus in solution, researchers at the Polytechnic Institute of New York University announced a new breakthrough: A nano-enhanced version of their biosensor detected a single cancer marker protein and even smaller molecules below the mass of all known markers. This achievement sets a new benchmark for the most sensitive limit of detection, and may significantly advance early disease diagnostics.

Jul 24th, 2013

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Ancient technology for metal coatings 2,000 years ago can't be matched even today

Artists and craftsmen more than 2,000 years ago developed thin-film coating technology unrivaled even by today's standards for producing DVDs, solar cells, electronic devices and other products. Understanding these sophisticated metal-plating techniques from ancient times could help preserve priceless artistic and other treasures from the past.

Jul 24th, 2013

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New nanoscale indenter takes novel approach to measuring surface properties

Researchers from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the University of North Carolina have demonstrated a new design for an instrument, an 'instrumented nanoscale indenter', that makes sensitive measurements of the mechanical properties of thin films - ranging from auto body coatings to microelectronic devices - and biomaterials.

Jul 24th, 2013

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Watching molecule movements in live cells

The newly developed STED-RICS microscopy method records rapid movements of molecules in live samples. By combining raster image correlation spectroscopy (RICS) with STED fluorescence microscopy, researchers of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) opened up new applications in medical research, e.g. analyzing the dynamics of cell membranes at high protein concentrations.

Jul 24th, 2013

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Copper nanoparticles could protect food from bacteria

Researchers discovered how to embed nanoparticles of the red metal into vermiculite, an inexpensive, inert compound sometimes used in potting soil. In preliminary tests on local lake water, it killed 100 percent of E. coli bacteria in the sample.

Jul 24th, 2013

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