Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Pushing microscopy beyond standard limits

Engineers at the California Institute of Technology have devised a method to convert a relatively inexpensive conventional microscope into a billion-pixel imaging system that significantly outperforms the best available standard microscope

Jul 29th, 2013

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Tetrapod quantum dots light the way to stronger polymers

Fluorescent tetrapod nanocrystals could light the way to the future design of stronger polymer nanocomposites. Researchers have developed an advanced opto-mechanical sensing technique based on tetrapod quantum dots that allows precise measurement of the tensile strength of polymer fibers with minimal impact on the fiber's mechanical properties.

Jul 29th, 2013

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Cubic boron arsenide as a novel material for cooling of electronic devices

A team of theoretical physicists at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) and Boston College has identified cubic boron arsenide as a material with an extraordinarily high thermal conductivity and the potential to transfer heat more effectively from electronic devices than diamond, the best-known thermal conductor to date.

Jul 29th, 2013

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