Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Nanotechnology global market reports - research and commercial

Nanowerk has compiled the most extensive nanotechnology market database to date with more than 4200 entries. In a new Global Nanotechnology Markets section, users can now easily get comprehensive overviews of nanotechnology organizations in the 40 leading countries. For further convenience, the U.S. market can be accessed state by state.

Aug 5th, 2013

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An infallible quantum measurement

For quantum physicists, entangling quantum systems is one of their every day tools. Entanglement is a key resource for upcoming quantum computers and simulators. Now, physicists in Innsbruck/Austria and Geneva/Switzerland realized a new, reliable method to verify entanglement in the laboratory using a minimal number of assumptions about the system and measuring devices. Hence, this method witnesses the presence of useful entanglement.

Aug 5th, 2013

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Disorder can improve the performance of plastic solar cells

Instead of mimicking rigid solar cells made of silicon crystals, materials scientists should embrace the inherently disordered nature of plastic polymers, say Stanford University scientists. Their findings could speed up the development of low-cost, commercially available plastic solar cells and other electronic devices.

Aug 4th, 2013

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Engine lubricant could rev up medical imaging

Engineers at the University of California, Berkeley, have built a device that could speed up medical imaging without breaking the bank. The key ingredient? An engine lubricant called molybdenum disulfide, or MoS2, which has been sold in auto parts shops for decades.

Aug 3rd, 2013

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