Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Gold nanoprobes hold the key to treating killer diseases

Researchers at the University of Southampton, in collaboration with colleagues at the University of Cambridge, have developed a technique to help treat fatal diseases more effectively. They are using gold nanoprobes to identify different types of cells, so that they can use the right ones in stem cell therapies.

Aug 7th, 2013

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New technique allows closer study of how radiation damages materials

A team of researchers led by North Carolina State University has developed a technique that provides real-time images of how magnesium changes at the atomic scale when exposed to radiation. The technique may give researchers new insights into how radiation weakens the integrity of radiation-tolerant materials, such as those used in space exploration and in nuclear energy technologies.

Aug 7th, 2013

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New NSF grant to develop cutting-edge nanomaterials

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded New York University researchers and their colleagues at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) a $2 million grant to develop cutting-edge nanomaterials that hold promise for improving the manufacturing of advanced materials, biofuels, and other industrial products.

Aug 6th, 2013

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The molecule 'scanner'

Molecules could soon be 'scanned' in a fashion similar to imaging screenings at airports, thanks to a detector developed by University of Pittsburgh physicists.

Aug 5th, 2013

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