Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Teleported by electronic circuit

ETH-researchers cannot 'beam' humans or objects through space yet, a feat sometimes alluded to in science fiction movies. They managed, however, to teleport information from A to B - for the first time in an electronic circuit.

Aug 14th, 2013

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Raising the IQ of smart windows with nanocrystals

Researchers have designed a new material to make smart windows even smarter. The material is a thin coating of nanocrystals embedded in glass that can dynamically modify sunlight as it passes through a window. Unlike existing technologies, the coating provides selective control over visible light and heat-producing near-infrared (NIR) light, so windows can maximize both energy savings and occupant comfort in a wide range of climates.

Aug 14th, 2013

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Advancing resistive memory to improve portable electronics

Researchers have developed a novel way to build what many see as the next generation memory storage devices for portable electronic devices including smart phones, tablets, laptops and digital cameras. The device is based on the principles of resistive memory, which can be used to create memory cells that are smaller, operate at a higher speed and offer more storage capacity than flash memory cells, the current industry standard.

Aug 14th, 2013

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The positive sides of doping - scientists boost CdTe solar cell efficiency

Flexible thin film solar cells that can be produced by roll-to-roll manufacturing are a highly promising route to cheap solar electricity. Now scientists from Empa, the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, have made significant progress in paving the way for the industrialization of flexible, light-weight and low-cost cadmium telluride (CdTe) solar cells on metal foils. They succeeded in increasing their efficiency from below eight to 11.5 percent by doping the cells with copper.

Aug 13th, 2013

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New electron beam writer enables next-gen biomedical and information technologies

The new electron beam writer housed in the Nano3 cleanroom facility at the Qualcomm Institute is important for electrical engineering professor Shadi Dayeh's two major areas of research. He is developing next-generation, nanoscale transistors for integrated electronics; and he is developing neural probes that have the capacity to extract electrical signals from individual brain cells and transmit the information to a prosthetic device or computer.

Aug 13th, 2013

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Researchers optically levitate a glowing, nanoscale diamond (w/video)

Researchers at the University of Rochester have measured for the first time light emitted by photoluminescence from a nanodiamond levitating in free space. They describe how they used a laser to trap nanodiamonds in space, and - using another laser - caused the diamonds to emit light at given frequencies.

Aug 13th, 2013

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New twist in the graphene story

Researchers have discovered that in the making of bilayer graphene, a tiny structural twist arises that can lead to surprisingly strong changes in the material's electronic properties.

Aug 12th, 2013

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