Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Facebook for molecules

Scientists design easily searchable Facebook-like networks that could speed the development of new drugs and designer materials.

Jul 18th, 2013

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Nanotechnology researchers break record for thinnest light-absorber

Stanford University scientists have created the thinnest, most efficient absorber of visible light on record. The nanosize structure, thousands of times thinner than an ordinary sheet of paper, could lower the cost and improve the efficiency of solar cells, according to the scientists.

Jul 18th, 2013

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Carbon nanotubes will transform our materials

The world's largest conference on carbon nanomaterials, NT13, was held June 24-28 at Aalto University. Over 400 scientists and industry experts joined the event to share their knowledge on the fundamental science and applications of carbon nanotubes and graphene.

Jul 18th, 2013

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Previously unknown mechanism drives evaporation at the nanoscale

Evaporation is so common that everybody thinks it is a well understood phenomenon. Appearances can be, however, deceptive. Recently, a new, earlier not predicted mechanism of evaporation was discovered. Experiments and simulations not only confirm its existence, but also indicate that it plays the crucial role in evaporation process in the nanoscale.

Jul 18th, 2013

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