Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Progress in nano-optics

To constrain individual light particles in a way as to control their movement on computer chips and nanostructures: This might lead to new developments in information technology.

Nov 25th, 2013

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Scientists capture first image of hydrogen bonds

Chinese scientists have visualized hydrogen bonds through modified non-contact atomic force microscopy (AFM) for the first time in history, the National Center for Nanoscience and Technology (NCNST) said Friday.

Nov 25th, 2013

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Fortschritt in der Nano-Optik

Einzelne Lichtteilchen so b�ndigen, dass sich ihre Bewegung auf Computerchips und Nanostrukturen steuern l�sst: Das k�nnte der Informationstechnik wichtige neue Impulse geben. W�rzburger Physiker stellen jetzt einen Fortschritt auf diesem Gebiet vor.

Nov 25th, 2013

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The future of graphene in the UK

'If you can't measure it, you can't improve it and you can't control it' was the verdict of a National Physical Laboratory (NPL) roundtable discussion held at the Institute of Physics.

Nov 25th, 2013

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To treat cancer, is the force strong with nanorobots?

Since the drugs used to kill cancer cells are just as toxic to neigh�boring healthy cells, researchers have long cov�eted a drug delivery method that tar�gets cancer cells alone, while bypassing the healthy ones. One of these methods uti�lizes func�tional Mag�netic Res�o�nance Imaging, or fMRI, to steer drug-??filled mag�netic nanopar�ti�cles directly to tumor masses where they can safely dis�charge their con�tents.

Nov 22nd, 2013

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NANOTEC looking to make an impression at nanotech 2014

The Thailand team is coming to the show with elevated confidence as the team received a Special Award for its leading role in developing unique and innovative technology and products that have societal and economic impacts in the 2013 event.

Nov 22nd, 2013

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Weitere 10 Millionen Euro f�r Erforschung des Magnetismus im Nanokosmos

Der Sonderforschungsbereich (SFB) 668 der Universit�t Hamburg 'Magnetismus vom Einzelatom zur Nanostruktur' kann seine Arbeit fortsetzen. Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) bewilligte f�r die dritte F�rderperiode des Forschungsverbunds Mittel in H�he von ca. 10 Millionen Euro f�r weitere vier Jahre.

Nov 22nd, 2013

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