Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Amplifying our vision of the infinitely small

The discovery is that Raman scattering of dye-nanotube particles is so large that a single particle of this type can be located and identified. All one needs is an optical scanner capable of detecting this particle, much like a fingerprint.

Dec 2nd, 2013

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High-performance oil absorbent made from mesoporous nanofiber networks

Researchers have developed a high-performance oil absorbent with the function to purify oil-contaminated water (e.g. water discharged upon oil production) at a low cost. This new oil absorbent will provide an energy-efficient and low-cost water purification system at the site of resource development.

Dec 2nd, 2013

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Drug testing with microneedles

Microneedles on a sticking-plaster-like patch may be the painless and safe way doctors will test for drugs and some infections in the future, thanks to work supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).

Dec 2nd, 2013

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Nanofibers for biomedical and healthcare applications

A comprehensive techno-commercial report overviewing the potential of nanofibers in biomedical and healthcare applications with a focus on materials, fabrication techniques, latest technological developments/trends, applications and products, as well as a detailed global market scenario.

Dec 2nd, 2013

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Artificially created molecular-level mechanical motion

Scientists initiated the EU-funded project 'Synthetic kinesin analogues: A transition metal complex that can walk' (METALWALKER) to develop a fully synthetic molecular kinesin machine capable of sequential processivity, few of which have been demonstrated to date.

Nov 29th, 2013

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Nanodiamonds to help target cancer cells

The use of nanoparticles in biomedicine is an area of active research. Scientists are using biomimetic functionalisation strategies that could lead to targeted drug delivery with greater specificity and no toxicity.

Nov 29th, 2013

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The heir to the silicon throne

A large consortium is developing silicon carbide (SiC) technology poised to pick up where silicon (Si) leaves off in terms of performance and operating conditions. Additional benefits include reduced energy consumption and emissions.

Nov 29th, 2013

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Poland set to shine in nanotechnology (w/video)

Strengthening the nanotechnology capabilities of a key institute in Poland will enable the country to upgrade research on biomaterials and alternative energy. It will also help further integrate the country in the European Research Area (ERA).

Nov 29th, 2013

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Joining the quantum dots for new bio applications

A European research project, 'New frontiers in quantum dots science: Assembly and functionalisation', pushed knowledge about different quantum dot configuration made from stoichiometric crystalline nanoclusters. It explored their optical properties and how they can be used as multifunctional materials.

Nov 29th, 2013

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